Аrtium Мagister. 2023. Vol. 23. No. 2

    • Аrtium Мagister. 2023. Vol. 23. No. 2

      Title: Artium Magister. 2023. Vol. 23. No. 2. [Artium Magister. 2023. Т. 23. № 2]. RSCI

      Mainstream issue: "Language, Culture, Education: Challenges and Prospects" [Главная тема номера: "Язык, культура, образование: вызовы и перспективы"]

      Volume: 23, Number: 2
      Date: June, 2023
      Articles: 10
      Pages: 70
      Coverage: 500 copies. 

    • Full text of the issue
    • Full text of the issue 

      Pankova M.V., Eiber E.V. The Formation of Lexical Competence in German Language Classes in Grades 7–9 of a Secondary School  
      Mironova N.A. Quality Assessment Problem for ESP Acquisition by Graduate Students Majoring in Chemistry  
      Burnakovskaja E.R., Koroleva T.K. The Preventive Measures of Bullying Among Pupils on the Lessons of Foreign Languages



      Donina O.V., Rafael’yan V.A. Challenges and Prospects of Using ChatGPT in the Process of Learning English 
      Mai Dang Khoa. Development of the Lecturer’s Innovation Culture in University Management System  
      Maletina O.A., Yakovlev A.O. Improving the Legal Culture of Schoolchildren: The Continuity of the Content of the Education of a High School  
      Popova O.Yu., Shchekoldina A.V. The Role of Active Methods in Increasing the Efficiency of Teaching a Foreign Language to Future Hotel Business Specialists 
      Decheva V.A., Koroleva T.K. The System of Exercises for Teaching Students’ Pronunciation Skills in German Lessons in the 9th Grade of Secondary School 
      Arzhanovskaya A.V. Augmented Reality Technology in the Design of the Educational Process When Teaching a Foreign Language 
      Savinov A.I., Mugdusiev G.G. Pedagogical Competencies of an Officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Necessary for the Formation of Ideological Conviction in a Serviceman

