Goals and objectives

The goal of the journal is to introduce the scientific community to new research by Russian and European authors related to priority areas in pedagogy, education and psychology, which contributes to the development of modern humanitarian knowledge and international scientific interaction, as well as to create a creative discussion platform for implementing an integrated approach to solving problems of pedagogy based on combining the traditions of Russian university and academic science with the achievements of modern education.

The editorial policy of the journal is aimed at spreading the achievements of Russian and world pedagogy and psychology, based on modern scientific methodology and a wide range of sources, which contributes to: 
– ensuring the availability of published articles regardless of the geographical location and language affiliation of their authors and readers: developing the journal as an Open Access scientific publication, expanding the journal's presence in international databases and open electronic resources, publishing articles in English and German, increasing the size of abstracts and duplicating the list of references in the Latin alphabet;
– maintaining high standards of publications due to their expert assessment and professional editorial and publishing processing;
-publishing scientific-theoretical, scientific-practical and experimental works on topical issues of development and functioning of various educational systems, cross-cultural communication and comparative study of pedagogical theories, scientific discussions on the problems of priority areas of pedagogy, psychology, interdisciplinary research, etc.

Chief Editor,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Borytko Nikolai Mikhailovich