About the Journal

Science journal "Artium Magister
(formerly "Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Serie 6. University education")

ISSN print version 2305-7815
ISSN online version 2409-2398

Journal publishes the results of psychological and pedagogical research on topical issues of modern education (academic education, teaching methods at various levels of education, work with gifted youth, etc.). The authors of "Artium Magister" can be teachers, researchers, postgraduates and students conducting research in the field of education.


Journal was founded in 1998.


Title (in language of publication): Artium Magister (ранее до 2018 года «Вестник ВолГУ. Серия 6. Университетское образование»)


Translated title: Artium Magister (until 2018 known as "Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Serie 6. University education").

Journal is registered by Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Media, Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage (Russia). (Registration Certificate  ПИ № ФС 77 - 73415 from 03.08.2018).

Journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index database (RSCI)

Frequency: 4 times a year (from 2022).


Language(s) used in Abstract and Keywords: Russian, English.


Peer Review type: Double-Blind. Submitted articles are reviewed by an independent expert in the matching discipline with anonymity for both author and referee.


Founder: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Volgograd State University».

Office: prospect Universitetsky 100, Volgograd, 400062, Russian Federation.

Editorial board.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for sending documents)

Mailing address of the Editorial Board: 400062, Volgograd, prospekt Universitetskiy 100, room 3-14 B. 



The next issue of the journal "Artium Magister" has been published. You can have a look at the published articles in the "Archive" section.

Submissions for  issue  1 in 2025 are now open.