Pankova M.V., Eiber E.V. The Formation of Lexical Competence in German Language Classes in Grades 7–9 of a Secondary School

Pankova Maria Vladimirovna , Student of the Institute of Linguistics and World Languages, Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Ulitsa Stepana Rasina, 22/48, 248023, Kaluga, Russian Federation, 

Eiber Elena Vladimirovna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory of Linguistics and German, Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Ulitsa Stepana Rasina, 22/48, 248023, Kaluga, Russian Federation,


 Abstract:  Introduction: Practical application of a foreign language is an important element of communication in modern society. Therefore, when teaching a foreign language in school, great importance is given to the mastery of communicative competence. Lexical competence as a component of communicative competence is a key indicator of successful mastery of a foreign language and enables successful use of all types of speech activities. The aim of this study is to analyze the educational material for the formation of lexical competence in German language classes in school. To achieve this goal, the following tasks need to be addressed: study the scientific and methodological literature on this topic, describe the content of lexical competence, determine the place of lexical competence in the system of all competencies, analyze the stages of formation of lexical competence, describe the methods of formation of lexical competence, and determine the components of the formation of lexical competence. Methods: The theoretical works on the methodology of teaching foreign languages by the following researchers were studied in the writing of this article: I.L. Bim, I.P. Korotkova, G.V. Rogova, F.M. Rabinovich, T.E. Sakharova, E.N. Solovova, and A.N. Shchukin. Universal methods (analysis of the concept of "lexical competence" in theoretical literature, classification of tasks forming lexical competence in the German language Teaching Department, modeling tasks in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education) and empirical research methods (observation of the work of a teacher in a secondary school, comparison of different the complexity of tasks in the educational and methodical kit "Deutsch" for the formation of lexical competence, an experiment with a demonstration of a set of tasks developed by the author, a description of the results of the analysis of the tasks in the educational and methodical kit) were used to systematize the material and to describe the experimental and practical part. Analysis: The following stages are identified in the formation of lexical competence within the language framework: preparation (familiarization with new material), practice of material through training exercises, and consolidation (application of lexical units in various aspects of language activities). When teaching vocabulary, there are three components: linguistic, methodological and psychological. When forming lexical competence, they are interconnected and ensure effective reproduction of the material that was previously trained under the guidance of a teacher. The methods of forming lexical competence include lexical exercises, working with a dictionary (active and passive), games, associations, reading and memorizing poems, staging dialogues and polylogues, etc. Results: Analysis of the lexical tasks in the textbook "Deutsch" edited by I.L. Bim, L.V. Sadomova, and L.M. Sannikova for grades 7-9 showed that the quality completion of exercises forms the lexical competence of students, although some tasks are too simple or repetitive, which lowers the motivation of students when learning a foreign language.

 Keywords: formation of lexical competence, German language lesson, practical application, communicative competence, speech activity, teaching strategies

ЦитированиеPankova M.V., Eiber E.V. The Formation of Lexical Competence in German Language Classes in Grades 7–9 of a Secondary School   // Artium Magister. - 2023. - Vol. 23. - No 2. - p. 5-12.

 Лицензия Creative Commons

The article The Formation of Lexical Competence in German Language Classes in Grades 7–9 of a Secondary School  by Pankova M.V., Eiber E.V.  is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.




Introduction: Practical application of a foreign language is an important element of communication in modern society. Therefore, when teaching a foreign language in school, great importance is given to the mastery of communicative competence. Lexical competence as a component of communicative competence is a key indicator of successful mastery of a foreign language and enables successful use of all types of speech activities. The aim of this study is to analyze the educational material for the formation of lexical competence in German language classes in school. To achieve this goal, the following tasks need to be addressed: study the scientific and methodological literature on this topic, describe the content of lexical competence, determine the place of lexical competence in the system of all competencies, analyze the stages of formation of lexical competence, describe the methods of formation of lexical competence, and determine the components of the formation of lexical competence. Methods: The theoretical works on the methodology of teaching foreign languages by the following researchers were studied in the writing of this article: I.L. Bim, I.P. Korotkova, G.V. Rogova, F.M. Rabinovich, T.E. Sakharova, E.N. Solovova, and A.N. Shchukin. Universal methods (analysis of the concept of "lexical competence" in theoretical literature, classification of tasks forming lexical competence in the German language Teaching Department, modeling tasks in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education) and empirical research methods (observation of the work of a teacher in a secondary school, comparison of different the complexity of tasks in the educational and methodical kit "Deutsch" for the formation of lexical competence, an experiment with a demonstration of a set of tasks developed by the author, a description of the results of the analysis of the tasks in the educational and methodical kit) were used to systematize the material and to describe the experimental and practical part. Analysis: The following stages are identified in the formation of lexical competence within the language framework: preparation (familiarization with new material), practice of material through training exercises, and consolidation (application of lexical units in various aspects of language activities). When teaching vocabulary, there are three components: linguistic, methodological and psychological. When forming lexical competence, they are interconnected and ensure effective reproduction of the material that was previously trained under the guidance of a teacher. The methods of forming lexical competence include lexical exercises, working with a dictionary (active and passive), games, associations, reading and memorizing poems, staging dialogues and polylogues, etc.Results: Analysis of the lexical tasks in the textbook "Deutsch" edited by I.L. Bim, L.V. Sadomova, and L.M. Sannikova for grades 7-9 showed that the quality completion of exercises forms the lexical competence of students, although some tasks are too simple or repetitive, which lowers the motivation of students when learning a foreign language.


Mironova N.A. Quality Assessment Problem for ESP Acquisition by Graduate Students Majoring in Chemistry

Nadezhda A. Mironova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages 2, MIREA-Russian Technological University, Vernadskiy av., 86, 119571, Moscow, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,


 Abstract: Nowadays particular requirements are being made concerning language training at nonlinguistic universities. The acquisition of Foreign Language for Specific Purposes by the students of non-linguistic majors plays a fundamental part in their professional development. Federal state educational standards state the requirements of specialist’s training in terms of competencies. Language training quality is assessed in terms of professional intercultural communicational competence maturity. Cutting-edge communicative technologies are being widely used in the training courses at nonlinguistic universities. When choosing the educational model, the focus is made on professional communicative as well as social and personal development of a student. The context training techniques based on a social training model are in common use. It is crucial that the tasks selected were personally meaningful for students and result in new products. Special mention should be made of the methodological potential of interdisciplinary assignments and projects exposing students to the situations close to those they will have to deal with in their professional activity. Nevertheless, conventional methods of language training quality assessment do not simulate authentic professional communicative situations and cannot provide complex assessment of the professional intercultural communicational competence maturity. The method of conferences could be an alternative way for the final assessment. The author demonstrates that the method of conferences is relevant for the task of professional foreign language training in nonlinguistic higher educational institutions and provides the example of its use in the English language course of the master’s programme in chemistry at RTU-MIREA.

 Keywords: ESP, language training quality assessment, foreign languages for chemistry majors, state educational standards, professional intercultural communicational competence, competitive specialist, Master’s degree programme

ЦитированиеMironova N.A. Quality Assessment Problem for ESP Acquisition by Graduate Students Majoring in Chemistry   // Artium Magister. - 2023. - Vol. 23. - No 2. - p. 13-18.

 Лицензия Creative Commons

The article Quality Assessment Problem for ESP Acquisition by Graduate Students Majoring in Chemistry  by Mironova N.A.  is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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Burnakovskaja E.R., Koroleva T.K. The Preventive Measures of Bullying Among Pupils on the Lessons of Foreign Languages

Ekaterina Romanovna Burnakovskaja, student of the B-PNA-41 group of the 4th year of the Institute of Linguistics and World Languages, direction 44.03.05. "Pedagogical education (with two training profiles) (Foreign languages (German and English), Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovski, Stepan Razin str., 26, 248023, Kaluga, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Tatjana Konstantinovna Koroleva, senior Lecturer of the Department of Linguistics and German Language Theory at the Institute of Linguistics and World Languages, Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovski, Stepan Razin str., 26, 248023, Kaluga, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,


 Abstract: in this article the term of bullying is considered, its distinctive features and reasons that lead to its emergence. The article tells about ways of the prevention of this social phenomenon in the school environment. So, the subject of the study is bullying prevention measures, especially how it can be done in foreign language lessons, including the method of the educational discussion that could be realized in different forms. The author also gives an example of some exercises that can help to improve relationships of pupils and to develop their ability of choosing the best solution of the problematic situation. The article also reveals the specifics of using authentic materials in a foreign language lesson in order to prevent bullying among students. Working on the article, the author used such methods of scientific research as analysis and generalization of information. As a result of the research it can be concluded that it is possible to carry out preventive measures regarding bullying in the school environment at foreign language lessons, as well as about the options and forms of this work. They help not only in achieving the set educational goal, but also in the development of students' communication skills, which is the main goal of teaching a foreign language. The sphere of application of the research results covers such scientific fields as pedagogy and methods of teaching a foreign language, correspondingly, the information from the article can be useful for teachers of a foreign language of secondary school who would like to help students to understand the danger of this social phenomenon and to prevent the occurrence of such cases among students.

 Keywords: bullying, preventive measures, authentic materials, educational discussion, preventive exercises

Цитирование.  Burnakovskaja E.R., Koroleva T.K. The Preventive Measures of Bullying Among Pupils on the Lessons of Foreign Languages  // Artium Magister. - 2023. - Vol. 23. - No 2. - p. 19-25.

 Лицензия Creative Commons

The article The Preventive Measures of Bullying Among Pupils on the Lessons of Foreign Languages by Burnakovskaja E.R., Koroleva T.K. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.